Saturday, July 31, 2010

Adventures in Wonderland

Saturdays in Haiti are all about change. Not loose change or that kind of change we got about a year and a half ago, it's a transition kind of change. There's either new people coming in or a team going back home. Today was one of those going back home kind of days. But it wasn't just the team from San Diego headed back, it was our co-principal Kamala as well.

We had an ice cream social with the kids today (a belated bday celebration for Caitlin and bon voyage for Kamala), and I've never seen so many boys wanting to help as when Caitlin pulled out the tubs of ice cream. It was chocolate in case you were wondering. Convincing them to wait outside was futile, so we had some extra helpers. Keso set out all the cups and Richard put spoons in them. Several of the kids tried to get an extra serving, but the best was when MarcKendy told me that I would get sick from eating the ice cream. He made a serious effort, but I'm pretty serious about my ice cream. Thanks for the ice cream gene Dad!

The afternoon was quite peculiar, and I did something I never thought I would do in Haiti ... I got a pedicure. There's a lady down the road named Shelly, rhymes with Kelly, and she dropped off some brochures for her salon about a week ago. So our big plan after wishing Kamala and the team safe travels was to check out Papillon (it means butterfly). Brooke got a hair cut, and Alissa and I got pedicures. It wasn't the quickest pedicure I've ever gotten, but my feet have never felt so soft! The polish sparkles in the sun and they are dirt free. I had sort of given up on my signature toes picture given the previous state of my piggies, but there is now hope.

And as my adventures in Wonderland continued (did you catch the Alice reference Bee?), we sat down to an amazing feast for dinner. Jamie and Alissa prepared filet mignon with garlic and grilled onions, corn on the cob, and homemade biscuits. Now we all have happy bellies and have retreated to the living room for movie night. We also have a stowaway from the San Diego team. Arielle has joined our bunch for an extra week and we have welcomed her into our little family.

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