Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Getting flowers and feeling the love

Today I got flowers from MarcKendy and Oline. No, they weren't flowers picked from the neighbor's garden, and they weren't from either. They were hand-made, colorful, tissue paper flowers. The blossoms were vibrant pink, turquoise, and green with a cleverly affixed pipe cleaner stem. They won't wilt in the Haitian sun, unlike me, and I could possibly have them forever.

So, here's how it happened. I came back from the guest house and they were waiting in my office, which is really the kitchen ... and part of Caitlin's classroom. Anyway, Kamala said that the flowers were from MarcKendy. I wandered down to Miss Jessica's classroom and thanked the sweet boy. I learned that they actually had been made by Oline, and MarcKendy traded his morning snack for them. He gave up cookies to give me flowers! Later in the day Oline gave me another bunch of flowers. I felt so loved!

On another note, my Community Circle class is the best. This forty-minute period allows us to study and share our thoughts on carefully selected scriptures. Last week we focused on discipline and this week we are all about love. I work with Anderson, Jonas, Elysee, Walgens, Ti-John, Marc, Evans, Schneider, and Davis. These young men are currently studying for their 6th grade government exams, so CC is a nice break in the day. I'm guessing their test is kind of like the STAR, yet there's no API score, similar school ranking, or funding attached. Nevertheless, it's a big deal. They even had to have official photographs taken and they have to dress up.

Back to CC. The boys have been pouring out their hearts in their writing and discussions. We talk, we pray, and we pass the fish (you have to have the fish in order to talk, and it's a really cool multi-colored fish). I got a special note from Anderson today thanking me for everything I've done and telling me that I am a blessing to him. And here I feel like he's a blessing to me!

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