Friday, July 30, 2010

Trip to Wahoo Bay, a very large bruise, and a very small world

Jamie and I escaped to Wahoo Bay beach today. Okay, the San Diego team had a beach day planned, and we joined them, along with Mr. Bill, Ari, and Elijah. As you can see it's quite picturesque and the tranquil turquoise waters were mesmerizing. Can you tell I love the Caribbean?

Our entrance fee included lunch and some water activities, so we quickly jumped on a boat for a snorkeling adventure. Jumped might not be the best word as I slipped getting into the boat. Not my most graceful moment, but I tried to play it off and pretend it didn't hurt and I didn't need a great big hug. I now have a bruise the size of Texas, and in the words of Diene, "My butt hurts!"

Snorkeling was good. Saw some fish, saw some coral, saw a part of Haiti that isn't crumbling. Such a stark contrast from Port-au-Prince. After lunch Ari and I saw a man on the beach playing worship music, so we swam (waded) over and joined him. As it turns out, his name is Ricky and Ari knows him. People from the beach came over from time to time, Elijah made sand angels (like snow angels but with sand), and we worshiped God in the most amazing location ever.

The ride home was long, we hit traffic, and were caught in a thunderstorm. Jamie and I were in the cab of the truck with Mr. Bill, and we watched as the team huddled together in the cage to create a shelter of sorts with their beach towels. The lightening lit up the sky as day turned to night, and we arrived home in time for a traditional Haitian dinner.

I didn't realize how much I would miss seeing the kids today. I went over for a quick visit after dinner, got the hugs I needed earlier in the day, and heard all about their day at school.

As I was finishing this post, a gentleman named Bob walked into the guest house. Bob is connected with the Hands and Feet Project in Jacmel, Haiti. The same Bob that Pastor Jesse knows, and the same project that VMC supports ... it's such a small world!

1 comment:

  1. Today is July 31st, two weeks until my Kelly comes home. I know leaving Haiti is going to be an emotional day for her but I will be so happy to have her home. She called me via skype this morning and we chatted like we normally do on Saturday mornings. I am so proud of Kelly's accomplishments however Haiti has had an impact on her that I do not know how to articulate. I know the kids will miss her but I also know they will always be in her heart.
