Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday love

I like Mondays. It’s the start of a new week, I am energized from a weekend of rest, and it usually takes me until Tuesday to feel tired from having two days off work. So if I’m tired tomorrow, you’ll know why. Mondays in Haiti are similar to those back home in that it’s the start of a new week. In Haiti, my energy level can be affected by the heat (hot or really hot); at home, it’s affected by the marine layer (gotta love Ventura). And because today is Monday, I get to open a card from Priscilla.

Priscilla is my best friend Evonne’s older sister. Say that three times fast. Seriously though, she is like a big sister. Priscilla is the queen of hospitality, partially because she has the largest house in the Ramirez clan, and she always makes me feel like part of the family. I don’t have a personalized coffee mug or Christmas stocking, but I have been introduced as a cousin on occasion. Don’t you see the family resemblance?

Today’s card was exactly what I needed to read. I noticed that it was a Valentine’s Day card, and I thought it was cute, in a funny, did you know this was a Valentine’s Day card kind of way. When I read her message it said, “Treat today like Valentine’s Day. Give someone extra love.” Awwww. I thought about the love I shared today, and unknowingly, I did just what she said.

I gave hugs. I listened. I smiled. I laughed. I received a heartfelt gift from a child. I fellowshipped (it’s a verb, right?). I played dominoes and lost graciously. I got pinched and tried not to complain too much. I stayed after school for three boys who wanted to take a test. I made new friends. I talked to mom. I shared my love.

“Knowing God leads to self-control. Self-control to patient endurance, and patient endurance leads to godliness. Godliness leads to love for other Christians, and … for everyone.” 2 Peter 1:6-7.

It’s all about love. Thank you Priscilla!

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