Saturday, July 24, 2010

Girls' Day Out

Today was an awesome day (Click on picture to see our adventure)! We woke up at our leisure to a cooler than normal morning, and we wanted to do something fun since Kamala heads back to California next week. Erta gave us the name and number of driver and we hired him for the day. We planned to leave at 2, but we're on Haitian time, so he picked us up around 3:30.

Our first stop was Eagle Market, and we picked up some snacks and exchanged money. Then we headed to an outdoor market. I was thinking something along the lines of a farmers' market. Oh no! There were people everywhere selling their wares on the side of the road (everything from food to car batteries). I was overwhelmed by the sheer volume of people, and I was thankful to be inside the car. I didn't feel safe, and I didn't understand some of the teachers who were expressing thoughts opposite of mine. Did you not see the desperation I saw? The ride through this area only lasted a few minutes, but it felt like hours.

Fritz commented that this was a bad place in Haiti, and that he would take us to a better place. A place where we could get out of the car (praise God!). We stopped at a market with baskets and baskets of fresh fruit. It was closer to what I was expecting, and a few of the girls made purchases. As we were getting back in the car, we saw a wall painted with hands in prayer position asking Obama for change. Fritz asked us a few questions. We provided our perspective. Feel free to insert your own commentary.

Our next stop was for souvenirs ... can you say tourist trap? We saw people that looked like us, we bartered for goods, and then Fritz helped us barter some more. I bought a painting, and after I paid for it, the other merchants kept hassling me to buy THEIR paintings. They were relentless. We gave Fritz the look, and we got back in the car and headed for food.

Bethany knew of an Italian restaurant with really good ice cream. The weather cooled off and Alissa even got goose bumps! After our pizza and pasta, we enjoyed a myriad of ice cream flavors for dessert ... chocolate, mango, pineapple, and my favorite, coconut. It was a perfect end to a fabulous day!

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