Friday, July 23, 2010

Two weeks in

It's been two weeks since I left Ventura, and while this experience is providing fulfillment beyond measure, there are some things I miss.

Here are a few that made the cut (not necessarily the top three, but seemingly important).

1. The morning routine of a cup of coffee while watching some sort of news/morning talk show (I don't miss the news as much as I miss the routine).

2. Staying clean for more than 5 minutes after a shower (the cold water isn't so bad, but the chlorinated water trickles out at a snail's pace).

3. Knowing that I can see the people I love at a moment's notice, though the friendships I've made will last a lifetime. Who else will understand TIH???

There are also some things that have made my stay in Haiti quite pleasant.

1. The kindness of everyone associated with this ministry. Thank you Child Hope!

2. Lots and lots of hugs.

3. The feeling that I'm where God wants me to be.

Junior's message at chapel this morning focused on the book of Matthew, and it was an important reminder to stay focused on my work here in Haiti. "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34

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