Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Kid stories from today

1. Made play dough letters with Cendy and Lukenson. Lukenson has started saying "good job" because that's what I tell him when he does something well. We got to letter J today with the help of fruit snacks as a reward.

2. Explained to Diene that there's a better way to ask to go to the restroom instead of "I need to poop". Haitian kids aren't shy about sharing their needs. A few minutes later Clairmond asked if he could please use the restroom.

3. Escorted Keso outside to pick up trash after calling a teacher a disrespectful name. Picking up trash is quite the embarrassment, and Keso complained the whole time.

4. Tasted some random fruit thing that Clairmond, Daniel, and Diene assured me I would like. Not so much. It must be an acquired taste.

5. Listened to Chabine, Cherline, Chedline, Christella, and Love-Mitha sing a song about seeds in Alissa's science class. They sounded so beautiful!

6. Helped Junior define vocabulary words in his novel. He was sitting in a rocking chair and reading while the other kids were playing dominos. He even had his own dictionary!

7. Looked at the pictures Caitlin's photography students took this afternoon. They saw a newborn goat on the side of the road. The mom was close by with the placenta still attached.

8. Tried to encourage Richard to write his sentences after he was sent out of Miss Jessica's class. He was mumbling something in Creole I didn't understand, not that I understand much Creole in the first place (Koman ou ye?)

9. Read and discussed the story of Jonah to the younger boys' Bible class when their teacher didn't show up (they must not have Smart Find). I felt well-versed after the first few summer services at VMC, but I didn't have the cool VeggieTales video.

10. Jeff told me I was mean. When I asked why, he said he didn't know, and then he gave me a big smile.

On a separate note, I got to Skype with my parents and Evonne! Oh, happy day!

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