Thursday, July 15, 2010

On any given day at school in Haiti

Today was a normal (not normal to you and I, but Haiti normal) school day. What did I do as co-principal? I know what I learned about in my administrative and teaching credential programs, but how well do they match up?

Here's a list of tasks I accomplished today (in a mostly chronological order):

1. Wrote out awards for students of the week (Love-Mitha, Gipson, and Anderson)

2. Greeted kids as they arrived at school and tried to conceal awards as best as possible (they get a certificate and a track medal -- thanks Michele Burns and the BHS track team!)

3. Hugged kids (while greeting them and hiding awards)

4. Presented awards

5. Participated in daily flag ceremony (it's more like watching since they sing in French and my French isn't THAT GOOD)

6. Dismissed kids to first class (and encouraged them to go promptly and not meander)

7. Worked with Cendy and Lukenson on the alphabet (lots of hugs and laughter during this process)

8. Walked around 1st and 2nd grade classes and checked on craft time with visiting missions team from Biola

9. Checked in on other classes and made sure teachers had what they needed (made some copies at some point)

10. Talked to Mr. Ivans the new administrator about language assessments (a new administrator has been hired for the fall, and he's Haitian, yay!)

11. Played with the 1st and 2nd graders at recess (more hugs)

12. Tended to some kid or another who is A) not feeling well, B) not behaving well, or C) all of the above

13. Glued Community Circle topics in notebooks

14. Walked around school and reminded teachers that Community Circle starts in five minutes

15. Taught Community Circle class to the 6th grade boys (they rock!)

16. Walked back to Guest House during older kids' recess to get more water

17. Worked with Junior on GED Prep materials (he wants to take the GED so he can go to college in America)

18. Repeated step 9 (and step 3 over and over again)

19. Talked to Kamala (co-principal) about who has lunch detention and for what reason (we talk all day, but I specifically remember this conversation)

20. Said goodbye to 1st and 2nd graders who leave at noon

21. Observed some of Caitlin's students having a meltdown and suggested alternative assignment (Caitlin had an origami assignment she had planned at some point, and this was that point)

22. Delivered detention notices as graciously as possible

23. Read through Community Circle journals and provided comments to students

24. Rang bell at the end of the 4th period (Kamala and I take turns ringing the bell throughout the day ... it really depends who has less going on at that particular moment)

25. Went to lunch detention and explained the sentences that these students had to write for being late to school and/or not behaving properly in class (they don't like to write sentences!)

26. Walked back to the guest house for lunch, realized there was no gluten free option, and just as I was about to open a protein bar, got invited to go to the girls' home for lunch with Jamie (thank you soooo much!)

27. Ate lunch with the girls (beans and rice and some kind of meat ... took a small bite ... still not sure if I liked it)

28. Six year old climbed on my back and picked her nose with my shirt (seriously, highlight of the day)

29. Walked back to guest house, refilled water bottle, and walked back to school for electives

30. Monitored afternoon elective being taught by visiting team from Biola (some minor disciplining during class)

31. Had an after school chat with four boys who climbed on the roof to pick almonds yesterday (they were well intentioned and said they were picking them for one of the men at the boys' house, and when I said I would go talk to Fritz, they quickly changed their story)

32. Walked back from school, took a cat nap on the porch (from pure exhaustion)

33. Woke up to hear that there was a hornet's nest less than ten feet from where I was sleeping

34. Tended to Marckendy and his cut finger (he was at the guest house helping one of the missions teams build stuff, and he DID NOT like having his cut cleaned and it took close to ten minutes to bandage a tiny cut ... and oh, did he whine!)

I think it was dinner after that ... oh, it's been a long day!

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