Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I feel pretty, oh so pretty!

Check out the beautiful flower clip! Alissa's elective class put together these lovely hair adornments, and Chabine gave me one. Okay, I asked her to make it for me. So despite feeling sweaty and itchy, I now feel pretty. Thank you Chabine!

As for an update on the itchiness, there was no change this morning. However, several doses of Benadryl, ibuprofen, and antibiotics have made the afternoon more tolerable (my legs are a little numb to tell you the truth).

I worked with my four intervention kids this morning, and it broke my heart when Lukenson couldn't write the alphabet. We started a writing journal today, and they traced upper and lower case letters. All the kids (Cendy, Lixson, Davidson, and Lukenson) were able to accomplish this task with ease. When I asked them to write the letters on their own, Lukenson couldn't write more than A, B, and C. I didn't know what to do. Jessica suggested play dough to help develop his fine motor skills. At first Lukenson was angry that I pulled him out of the computer lab, but after a while, he was having fun (at least it looked like he was). He identified the colors, and we created the letters A, B, C, D, E, and F together. We also reviewed the letter names and their sounds. It was great progress, but I feel so sad that this sweet 7 year old boy struggles so much. Please keep Lukenson in your prayers.

A few of the boys in my Community Circle class have been asking questions about schools in California. There's a map of the US in the classroom, and I pointed out Ventura to them. They were curious about the size of my school, what happens to students when they misbehave, and how good the boys' soccer team is. Then one of them asked something about Jesus and school. I tried to explain the separation of church and state, and they were dumbfounded. They couldn't comprehend a school where you can't talk about Jesus. Sometimes I feel the same way.

Aside from that, it's been a pretty ordinary day here in Haiti. I watched a goat graze on the side of the road. I watched a woman light a pile of trash on fire across the street. I watched boys open their hearts to Jesus in prayer in school. And now I'm watching the sky light up during a thunderstorm.

1 comment:

  1. Wow...again, thanks for the perspective. What a great experience you are having. Oh and by the way, it's a BEAUTIFUL hair clip!!!!
    Love ya :-)
