Saturday, July 17, 2010

Quiet time

One of the things I was concerned about before this trip was personal reflection time. With the guest house busting at the seams with missions teams from Washington and Biola, it seemed unlikely that I would find any. Au contraire!

On Friday we cancelled school because the Washington team blessed the students, teachers, and staff with a trip to the beach. Going to the beach in Haiti is much different than the states, and because of safety issues, going to the beach means going to a resort at about $35 US per person. We have about 50 kids. Do the math. And while playing in the tranquil turquoise waters of the Caribbean is normally what I dream about, I stayed home. Home being the guest house. You are probably thinking that I'm crazy and that I missed an enormous opportunity, and I'll agree. However, yours truly was so incredibly car sick after the field trip to Double Harvest that I voluntarily chose to skip the beach. I couldn't imagine getting back in the car.

Staying home was just what I needed. I lounged in my pjs, washed some laundry in the bathroom sink, touched up my pedicure (the rocks and rubble had already chipped the pretty purple polish), took a nap, uploaded pictures to Picassa, downloaded recipes, and did some reading. It started raining around 2:30 and the little bit of water cooled everything off. Everyone got back from the beach around dinner time, and the next thing I knew, it was time for bed.

Today was much of the same. The missions teams from Washington and Biola left this morning, and we have a few days with just us (6 teachers, 1 nurse, and an awesome guest house manager).

Jamie, Kamala and I went to the store with Mr. Bill and bought food for the next few days. Jamie and I are going to try to make enchilada sauce and corn tortillas from scratch tomorrow (no Mexican food in Haiti). I remember trying to make flour tortillas once after watching Evonne's mima make them with ease; unfortunately, mine looked like thick puzzle pieces and didn't taste quite right. The masa flour we bought even has a recipe in case the internet one is no bueno. Say a prayer for our cooking endeavor tomorrow!

This afternoon it rained again, and after we all emerged from our lazy Saturday afternoon naps, we piled mattresses in the living area into what Jamie calls a "veggie pit" and the movie marathon is on. We don't have a TV, so imagine eight people crowded around a small computer screen. I think we might even make popcorn on the stove (no microwave).

As for finding personal reflection time, the last two days were fabulous. I feel rested and ready to start another week, I'm learning how to cope with the heat, the bugs are biting less, and the friendships are getting stronger. I love my Haiti family! Missing you all, but loving every minute of my time here.

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