Thursday, July 22, 2010


Lukenson is one of the kids I work with in the mornings, and I wanted to dedicate an entire blog entry to him. He has an infectious smile and the greatest laugh! This little 7 year old is fairly new to the orphanage. He doesn't speak much English, but that doesn't stop him from sharing his love. We have been working on the ABC's, and I shared some of my teacher concerns about him in an earlier post.

He ran to the door when I went to get him this morning, and he quickly started forming his letters (he was faster than Cendy today). He needed a little help with the letter J, but I was so impressed with his progress. To say I was a proud teacher is an understatement. Check out the pictures of his work. (Click on the picture to see more)

This afternoon I went to visit the boys and Lukenson ran up to me, jumped into my arms, and yelled my name! I had heard he was a skilled domino player, so I asked him if he wanted to play. He put on his serious face, and the little stinker beat me! And no, I didn't let him win. We played for a while, and at some point he picked up one of my sayings and said "my goodness"! My goodness is right. Then he pulled over a trunk of sorts and climbed in, so I pulled it around the play area like he was on a roller coaster. He smiled and laughed and we both had fun!

This little bundle of sweetness has warmed my heart and shown me that despite everything that has happened in this country, God is good.

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