Tuesday, July 27, 2010


It's late, I'm exhausted (it's Tuesday ... see yesterday's post for clarification), and I know that I'm not going to be able to fall asleep anytime soon. There are so many things I want to write about (and even more on my mind), but I don't know how to articulate what I'm feeling. That's right, the English teacher is at a loss for words.

I could write about the highs and lows of the day. I started to write about self-control, but I couldn't control my thoughts enough to focus them on the page. I wanted to write about expectations and how I need to adjust my expectations for people and situations (myself included), but I wasn't sure where to start and I knew that I wouldn't be able to get the message quite right. How's that for an expectation. I feel like my emotions are sort of (read ALL) over the place today.

I'm in the second half of my trip, meaning I have been here more days than I have left before I go home. I'm not ready to shift into countdown mode, and I know that sometime in the next 16 days I need to think about what happens next. That's another post.

We celebrated Caitlin's birthday today. We sang Happy Birthday to her during announcements, and in my best co-principal voice, I asked students to be extra nice to her today. And they were. I took paper around to all the classes and asked them to make cards, and the students were so thoughtful. The 1st and 2nd graders mostly drew pictures, and one of them drew a picture of Jesus holding the 10 Commandments. It must be noted that he was copying a picture from a coloring book. There were also pictures of an elephant's trunk, me, Caitlin, and an apple tree. Caitlin loved her cards!

And while there is more I want to share about today, I just realized it's after midnight, and my eyes are getting heavy. Yay sleep!

Thank you God for a beautiful day!

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