Thursday, July 8, 2010


As I began preparing for this trip spiritually and emotionally, I knew there was a financial aspect as well. Travel costs, room and board at the guest house, teaching supplies, and other provisions add up quickly. I wrote a letter asking people to open their hearts to pray, donate, or give however they felt led. The response was truly amazing.

I am reminded that God always provides. Philippians 4:6 says, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God."

So, thank you! Thank you to the teachers and co-workers who support me every period of every day. Thank you to the friends near and far who have held my hand through the emotions and excitement. Thank you to Ventura Missionary Church for letting me share my story and be part of your family. Thank you to my family who has instilled in me a sense of giving, a sense of loving, and a sense of belonging. I wouldn't be here without the love and support of each and every one of you.

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