Sunday, July 11, 2010

Yes, I am FINALLY here!

Picking up from last night, I got some sleep, had a hot shower, and free continental breakfast, then we arrived at the airport excited to be on our way to Haiti. Just as the events of the previous 24 hours had happened, our names were not on the flight list. Hmm ... the lady in Puerto Rico assured us our seats were confirmed. Truth be told, I think she just wanted to get rid of us. Luis came to our rescue! He had helped us the night before and got us on the flight. Angels have been with me every step of this trip.

The flight was supposed to leave Santo Domingo at 8:35, and I think it was closer to 10:35 before we left. Arriving at the Haiti airport was smooth, AND MY BAGGAGE WAS THERE! My next task was to find Big. The missionaries from Florida were a little hesitant about sending me on my way with a stranger, so Jessica said, "Make sure he knows the magic word!" Indeed he did, and shortly after I was on my way to the Manassero's house. I walked into a house full of people just as lunch was ready. I shared my adventure of the past two days and quickly became acquainted with everyone there.

After lunch we came to the guest house. Jamie and Brooke provided an orientation, I unpacked most of my belongings, and took a shower. Cold water never felt so good. The weather is hot and sticky which is a nice change from the cloudy skies back home, and I'm sure the next five weeks will be a perpetual state of sweatiness. I haven't met the kids yet, but I think we're going to do that a little later.

I have so much to say about everything I've seen, but right now I need some rest.


  1. I am so glad that you made it safely to Haiti! You have been on my mind since Friday night and I find myself saying random little prayers for you here and there.....I wonder if the times coordinated with all of the flight mishaps? I am glad that you met the missionaries from Florida to "be stuck" with. Can't wait to hear more! Love, T

  2. Hi Kel!!!
    I am so glad that you are there safe and sound! You have had quite a trip so far! I have been thinking of you and wanted to let you know how proud of you I am! I think what you are doing is just awesome!!! I am addicted to your blog and reading about your adventures! Keep it coming!
    Love ya, Kel
