Monday, July 5, 2010

Getting stuff together

The good news is that my to do list is getting shorter, but it also means that the task of packing is imminent. I've packed for short trips, medium-sized trips, and a three-week trip to Europe, but packing for this trip is causing some mild trepidation. I'll likely start with another list (I love lists!), and I'll quickly cross items off said list as they make it into the suitcase. I'm sure there will be some compromising as I eliminate things I once thought were must haves (Sour Patch Kids are a must have). Right now I have a few piles in an extra room that remind me of the fun ahead. Oh space bags, where are you?

Until then, back to planning ... planning for summer school in Haiti, planning for next school year, and planning some quiet time between now and Friday.

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