Sunday, July 18, 2010

A beautiful Sunday!

As you can see, Jamie and I were successful at making corn tortillas from scratch. They were a little misshapen, and the first few were on the thick side, but they tasted awesome! It was like a party for our taste buds (a very happy party). The enchilada sauce tasted better than the stuff in a can (duh), our chicken enchiladas were quite amazing, and we even had guacamole. Patrick, one of the older boys, even gave us the Haitian approval. We all have happy bellies, and Jamie is making Rice Krispy Treats for dessert! Then we are going to retreat to the "snuggle sanctuary" (last night's veggie pit) and watch another movie or a few episodes of The Office.

We had a great time cooking this afternoon. We chatted about life, music, and food. After the food was in the oven, Jamie took a few tortillas and threw them in a frying pan with butter, onions, and salt, and then we dipped them in the enchilada sauce and guacamole. WOW! We didn't share this little delicacy with the others, so mum's the words!

This morning was church at Port-au-Prince Fellowship. We packed up the kids in the white truck and merrily we rolled along. Worship provided the some of the same songs from home, but there were a few variations from VMC, like songs in French and English, and it was missing the great guitar work from Pastor Josh and the 11th Hour worship band. The pastor was from Boston (he said wicked), and he provided a message about seizing the day and not letting the day seize us, and how God doesn't ask us to understand, he just wants us to obey. He quoted Romans 8:28, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." It was a fitting message to help us focus on what we need to do this week.

Tomorrow starts my second week, and I feel more prepared than seven days ago. And while the bug bites are still quite annoying, the heat has somewhat subsided (it's been raining all day), and my spirit is strong.

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