Sunday, July 25, 2010

Choosing to see the glass as half-full

Every day I am faced with choices, and I am constantly reminding my students that they have choices as well. Usually the choices placed before them have to do with modifying behavior or completing an assignment. And I suppose this is no different. I can choose to see the glass as half-full and rejoice in what the Lord is doing in my life, or I can allow Satan to take charge of my thinking and thereby my actions. I don't know about you, but I don't have time for half-empty glasses!

I am here to help, to teach, to love, and to minister to these beautiful children. I am here to make a difference, one step at a time, and praise God every step of the way. I am here for a reason, and by golly, nothing will get in my way. The bugs, the heat, and the constant influx of people in my personal space may dampen my spirit, but God will give me strength. "Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength." Nehemiah 8:10.

So, I'm going to celebrate some the encounters that have warmed my heart this weekend. Such as ...
  • receiving five rubber band bracelets and an origami boat from Keso;
  • holding Ti-Bo as he slept on my lap during Saturday night worship at the boys' house (by the way, great message Marlval)
  • getting beat at dominoes by Lukenson (even if he was trying to cheat);
  • catching Cendy as she used my body as a gymnastics mat for her flips and tricks; and
  • listening to Caitlin's version of Rod Stewart and Celine Dion every hour on the hour (thank you pumpkin).

Tomorrow is a new day, and remember, you have a choice.

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