Saturday, August 7, 2010

Voted off the island?!?

When I visit the boys, there is normally a warm greeting followed by hugs, questions, and loud voices. Today I heard crickets. Chirp chirp, chirp chirp. The older boys were talking to me, but the little boys were silent. Now that's strange. I sat there for a while thinking that they would eventually come around.

Still waiting ...

Schneider asked if I talked to Susette about the little boys being disrespectful, which I had, and he said that was why they weren't talking. He also said he was going to talk to them (thank you Schneider!). Yesterday's behavior at chapel wasn't great ... and the teachers did meet with Susette. Now I know what it feels like to be a contestant on Survivor who was just voted off the island.

On the flip side, my time with the girls was exceptionally good. Oline threw her arms around me, Christella smiled; they were happy to see me. Daphne was her usual darling self and then fell asleep on my lap during worship. Pharra, Isguerda, and Katiana shared their gifts of song; we prayed, and I asked God to tender the hearts of the little boys.

And in honor of my last week, I (finally) opened the bag of Sour Patch Kids!

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