Sunday, August 8, 2010

Lessons at church and letters of apology

The past few Sundays at church I sat in the front and usually ended up escorting small children to the bathroom. It's hard to follow the message when you miss a large chunk in the middle. Today I thought I would follow Jessica's advice (after experiencing the bathroom visits herself), so we sat in the back next to Brittany and Asher. Brittany is from California, and she just moved back to Haiti with her husband Rod and their 11 month old Asher (he's the cutie in the picture). The kids love Asher, so Cendy and Daphne shared the chair next to me. Daphne asked if she could make a picture, so in addition to the darling photo of her and Asher, I have photos of many random people at church. I wish I could say I caught more of the message. The little girls didn't ask to go to the bathroom, but they provided plenty of distractions.

This afternoon I ventured back to the boys' home, and at first it was the same chilly reception as yesterday. Marckendy, Richard, and Keso approached me hesitantly and quickly handed me the following notes of apology.

Dear Kelly
I am sorry because I do a lot of trouble.
Love Keso

Dear Kelly
I am sorry because I was mean with you and I want you to pray for me that you will be my friend and I love you so much.
Love Marckendy

Dear Kelly
How are you doing? I am sorry because I wasn't talk to you. I will miss you. I love you so much. God will make a way for you. You are so kind to me. I will cry for you when you leave. Thank you because you come in Haiti to help us. Thank you for giving me sentences. This time I need you to give me more like 100 times.

It was nice to get some resolve after yesterday. The kids have a difficult time understanding that discipline is love, and sometimes it takes them a day (or so) to come back around. After reading their notes, I enjoyed some bocce bands (kind of like bocce ball with rubberbands) with Lukenson, pushed some kids on the swings, and had an enjoyable afternoon. Now that's more like it!

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