Thursday, August 12, 2010

Less than 48 hours to go

This morning was our last chapel service. The visiting team from Washington ran the service with worship and a message about the different ways we worship God. They waved worship flags and the kids got to make their own flags during crafts this afternoon. After the service, I stood before the crowd of students, teachers, and visitors and gave my last words as principal. I also had the honor of dismissing kids for the rest of the day and letting them know about our field trip to Club Indigo tomorrow (aka the beach). Cheers echoed through the streets of Haiti ... okay, the kids were excited.

Early dismissal provided time for Jessica, Bethany, and me to (somewhat) organize the school. We selected pages from the kids' Community Circle notebooks as a step in creating a book of sorts to remember the summer. As we worked in the kitchen/classroom, Anderson entertained us with a variety of talents. Half the time I don't think he knew what he was saying, but we were laughing like crazy. Jessica tried to catch him on video, but he always outsmarted us. There's something about Anderson that reminds us of Chris Tucker, and if you've ever watched any Chris Tucker movies, you know what I mean.

After flag making, I chatted with some of the older kids including two of the boys from my Community Circle class. (That's Elysee and Walgens with me in the photo.) They took their Haitian exams last week and have been excused from classes this week, but I've missed our conversations. Elysee is very inquisitive about schools in the United States and can't believe that I teach at a school with over 2,000 students. Walgens has been working hard with one of the other boys as they have a t-shirt making business. They don't produce in large volumes, but I am bringing home their newest design.

I spent some time this afternoon organizing, sorting, and packing. I arrived with over 100 pounds of luggage ... two suitcases busting at the seams, a back pack, and a carry on. After packing about 70% of my belongings, I have filled most of my smaller suitcase. I have some dirty laundry, toiletries, and souvenirs to help fill the larger suitcase, and I am thankful there won't be an overage charge on the way home! Thank you God!

Forty-eight hours from now I'll be on a plane, somewhere over the US on my way home. In the meantime, pray for safe travels to and from the beach tomorrow and a fun-filled, last day with the kids.

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