Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Clarification on yesterday's post and recovery of lost pants!

This morning I got an email from my mom saying that she and my dad didn't understand my cryptic post from yesterday. So, I reread it and in addition to being (purposely) vague, it's a little fragmented. Here's another version.

  1. Opened card from Priscilla

  2. Found money

  3. Note encouraged me to bless someone else with said money

  4. Question asked, "Will I be obedient?"

Then I wrote about being obedient and waiting on God's timing, but I may not have articulated myself very well or connected my body paragraphs to my thesis. How's that for an explanation?

On an entirely unrelated note, I finally found the pair of pants I was wearing when I arrived. You may be wondering how one goes about losing their pants in Haiti, and there's a perfectly logical explanation. That's Haiti logic of course. As a longer-term guest (as opposed to a week-long guest), I can put my laundry out three days a week. It's sounds cushy, and I feel very blessed that someone other than my Maytag is willing to wash my sweaty clothes.

Clothing is hand washed, wrung out (sometimes a little stretched out), and then put on the line on the roof. They don't use clothes pins, and gravity holds them on the line as long the clothing is wet. I was warned that some articles of clothing may blow away or end up in the barbed wire around the perimeter of the property. As of this afternoon, there were two items from my wardrobe that were MIH (Missing in Haiti). Jamie suggested that I look in the Costume Closet aka donation room, and I found my missing pants! I have yet to locate that $2 tank top from Old Navy, but I still have 9 days to go.

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