Monday, August 2, 2010

To do list vs. What I did list

What I intended to accomplish at school today versus what actually happened:

1. Prepare Community Circle notebooks ... started on this project, then assigned it to a student who was asked to leave class. Is using a glue stick punishment?

2. Work with Lukenson on intervention ... was busy supervising student mentioned above as well as another student who was asked to leave a different class. I was so excited about making progress on the alphabet. Hopefully tomorrow is different.

3. Visit with younger kids during morning recess ... made a quick appearance, provided snacks, then rushed back to my office (kitchen) to continue supervising a student finishing work and writing sentences. In the meantime, counseled another student who tried to tell me that his teacher ate his snack.

4. Teach Community Circle class to the 6th grade boys ... they were off site in preparation for their government exams. I took the opportunity to run back (figuratively of course) to the guest house for a water refill and relay a message about school needs (diesel, Clorox, and dish soap) to Fritz and Erta.

4. Breathe for a few minutes before older kid recess ... ACCOMPLISHED!

5. Supervise older kid recess and observe positive behavior ... played referee to older kids, counseled crying girls who wanted to jump rope, put kids in time out (though I didn't time them), had a quick chat with kids about playing nice or losing recess, then supervised a student writing sentences about playing nice ... I guess the chat didn't work.

And at this point, it was only 10:30 a.m.

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