Thursday, April 14, 2011

What's next?

On Tuesday at school, I shared pictures with some of my students.  One of the girls in my advisory class quickly told me that she wants to go to Haiti.  She probably mentioned it two more times during the period, and I've been thinking about it a lot.  This young lady, who is approaching the end of high school and ready to face the next chapter of work and college, wants to add service to her list. 

I could write volumes on the experiences I've had in Haiti.  I could make you squirm with tales of bug bites, disease, and open infections.  I could tell you stories that would make you laugh and stories that would make you cry.  And despite any number of stories I could tell (and have told since I got home from that first trip last summer), there are people who are ready to pack a suitcase or two and travel to a place where God is doing amazing things.  A place where little boys and girls with no mommies or daddies are smiling and praising Jezi (that's Jesus in Creole).  A place where a hand-me-down skateboard, gummy bears, and a new tube of chapstick are a treat.  A place where despite the odds stacked against them, people are living a life of loving others. 

God continues to reveal Himself to me with each and every life experience.  And while it's too soon to tell what I will learn from this recent trip to Haiti, I have a feeling that I'm in for something that will change my world. 

As for my student, I am putting together some information for her in hopes that she too will be able to delight in the things that Child Hope and God are doing in Haiti.  And maybe, just maybe, I'll be traveling with her!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely an amazing story. You really touched the lives of these kids. Instead of just sending $20 to your local charity you went down there to make a difference in peoples lives. I'm sure these kids will remember you forever as someone that touched them in the most positive way possible.
