Sunday, April 3, 2011

Loving Others

About a week ago my best friend's three-year-old told me the scripture she had learned for church, and it's a familiar passage.  "Love your neighbor as yourself." 

This is something we're supposed to do. 

But, do we?

I have good days and bad days.  There are days where I share my love with abandon and there are days that I am a little more frugal.  There are also people who are easier to love than others.  But really, it's not supposed to be my decision who or when or how much.  If I really follow Jesus in this, it means letting go of my own stuff and showing kindness to everyone.  Every single person. 

This morning at church (that's Port-au-Prince Fellowship), Pastor John spoke on surrendering our lives, forgiveness, and living a life of loving others.  He likened the loving experience to the childhood practice of show and tell.  And it makes sense. 

And the fact that this message has been delivered to me twice lately is also something I've definitely taken notice of. 

This afternoon I went to the boys' house to deliver gummy bears that one of my students sent.  I asked them to sit down and close their eyes (that's the best way to receive a surprise), and then I pulled out the enormous bag of sugary goodness.  At first they thought I was giving them vitamins, and I quickly explained that it was candy.  Still some blank stares.  Candy?  Candy!  I watched them devour every last bear and bounce around the Ben's on a sugar high.  (I'll upload video when the internet speeds up.)

After the boys calmed down we laughed, we reminisced about funny things that happened last summer, and then one of them asked how things are back home.  And this morning's message hit me again.

Loving others.  Every single one. 

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