Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Raspberries and a really cute smile

This is Wilson, one of the new kids at the boys' home.  His precious smile was one of the highlights of today. 

I started this morning at the school and worked with the 1st through 4th graders.  We completed a short writing activity and then I gave them bracelets.  There's a story behind the bracelets.  One of my 12th grade students (at home) showed me her hemp bracelet one day and told me that she wanted to make them for all the kids.  All the kids!  The bracelet project became a team effort with the help of the CSF class, and the kids in Haiti love them!

Later in the day I watched the little boys riding skateboards and I shared some bubblegum.  They were perplexed when I blew a bubble, so I asked if they knew how.  Not so much.  I wasn't sure how to teach this skill and the language barrier didn't help.  So, the kids in Haiti still don't know how to blow bubbles, but they sure know how to enjoy strawberry Bubblelicious.

And then there was Daphne.  Yesterday she was her usual sassy self and I have quite the video (internet too slow to upload).  After school she showed me what she was working on for tutoring, she did some gymnastics flips off my torso, and went about the world in her own Daphne way.  As I was walking back to the guest house, I stopped to say hi to the girls and there was Daphne.  She climbed into my arms, sat on my lap, and then proceeded to give me a great big hug.  But there's always a catch with this darling diva.  She planted her lips on my shoulder and gave me a raspberry!  She did it over and over to the point I was in stitches.

What a great ending to the day!  Thank you God for reminding me why I am here.

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