Friday, April 8, 2011

Last day in Haiti

Each morning after our school duties were complete, Kamala and I went over to the girls' home.  During the day the house serves as a day care for the little ones in the ministry and children of people who work for Child Hope.  This precious girl is Adnaika, and if the sunglasses are any indication, she's pretty cool.

This morning we started with chapel at the school, finished up some work for the school, played with the day care kids, helped with the feeding program, hung out with the kids, and enjoyed our last day in Haiti.  I even got to hear the kids at the feeding program sing my favorite Creole worship song, and if you've been here, you know which one I'm talking about. 

As I think about the past week, there are so many things that have warmed my heart.  I'll post videos and pictures when I get home.  Until then, pray for safe travels.

Next update from Miami.

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