Monday, April 4, 2011

At a loss for words

I went to the feeding program for the first time today.  Last summer I watched from the rooftop a few times, but fear kept me from really getting involved.  

Being in Haiti is already a heartbreaking experience. 

There's verse in a worship song (Hosanna by Hillsong United) that does a better job explaining how I'm feeling:

Break my heart from what breaks yours
Everything I am for your kingdom's cause
How do you find words to desribe what it's like to feed the poor and hungry?  Their bright smiles showed nothing of their suffering, and I was the one fighting back tears as I served them beans and rice. 

I am still overwhelmed. 


  1. I love that song - and miss those biscuits! Hope you're loving every minute there! xx

  2. Yay! Glad to hear you went. Please tell Yvell and Makenzy that Jessica loves them and misses them so much (you'll probably become their best friend after that ;)). Alicia can point them out to you if you don't know who they are. Can't wait to read your blogs throughout the week.
