Wednesday, April 6, 2011

WASC in Haiti?

I was back at school this morning meeting with Mr. Ivens, Mike, and Kamala, and strangely enough, we were discussing ESLO's, PLC's, and Marzano strategies.  If you're not in education, you might not find the humor in this, but I didn't imagine talking about WASC-stuff in a third world country! 

After my meeting, I worked with the kindergarden class as well as the 5th and 6th graders.  Two equally interesting groups.  The kinder kiddos are super cute and their behaviors can only be described as endearing.  The olders kids get it, for all intents and purposes, and we had some engaging conversations.  We worked on the same writing activity as yesterday, and then I taught them the chicken dance.  We had some extra time and that's about all my brain could come up with.  Cheep cheep cheep, flap flap flap, wiggle wiggle wiggle, clap clap clap.  You're singing the tune now, aren't you?

This afternoon was feeding program and tonight was worship at the boys' house.  Somewhere in the middle was dinner, and throughout it all, there was prayer.  Lots and lots of prayer. 

It was a full day of activity and I'm ready for a shower and some sleep.  Bon nuit!

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