Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tidbits from today

Woke up early and went to school ready to work in the computer lab with Kamala.  The principal was retard.  That means TARDY before you think I'm calling him something else.  The computer lab was a comfortable temperature, but Mr. Ivens insisted we needed the AC on. 

Watched little boys brush their teeth.  I was fascinated as many of them gnawed on the handle BEFORE brushing their teeth.  Then I helped them put lotion on their arms.  It reminded me of helping my friends and cousin with their children's bath time and rubbing lotion on the tender little ones.

Worked as a Christmas elf checking the gift bags for all the orphanage kids.  And as I'm writing this, I don't think I quite finished this task ... and now I have a PROJECT for tomorrow. 

Helped the kids make cards for the interns Kelly and Taylor who are going home tomorrow.  These lovely ladies have been here since SEPTEMBER, and they are so delightful!

SERVED food and water at feeding program.  Snuggled with Dave.  Had a great chat with Susette. 

Put on my SANTA hat and helped the little boys make gingerbread houses.  Ti-bo and I worked together to create a beautiful house.  Yes, we both like things perfect.

Walked to Brooke's house for DINNER and enjoyed her lovely apartment.  She made white chicken chili and we brought the teriyaki chicken and rice from the guesthouse.

Wednesday night WORSHIP at the boys' house.  I tried to hold Estaline and realized her diaper was wet.  I sat with Davidson and Keso, we sang songs, thanked Kelly and Taylor and wished them safe travels.

And now, I am ready for SLEEP.

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