Sunday, December 18, 2011

All that is ...

Sundays are a pleasant change from the frenetic pace of other days in Haiti. 

Today we went to church at Port-au-Prince Fellowship and the message was about gifts.  Gifts we receive like the ultimate gift of Christ's life for us, gifts we give to God, gifts we are blessed with that allow us to share the word of God with others.  And it was a fitting message in light of Christmas.  Pastor John suggested that we make some extra gift tags for under the tree and address them to God, giving him our love, our loyalty, and a list of other things.  Hmm ... I don't think Target has gift tags for that.

After church we had lunch and enjoyed a long afternoon nap.  I feel rested and caught up on the sleep lost on the overnight flight here.  Before dinner we went to the boys' house and it's interesting to see what activity they are into each time I'm here.  First it was dominoes, there were the games of rubber bands, in April it was all about skateboards, and now, it's all that is round and colorful ... marbles!  I'm not sure of the rules they follow when they play, but it's fun to watch a bunch of boys shooting glass spheres of color across the concrete.  They are also very protective of their marbles and carry them all in their pockets.  Some of the boys now make music when they walk. 

While we were visiting with the boys, Keso told Kamala and me that he doesn't have school until January 9th.  Kamala tried to joke with him and tell him that since we were here, there would be school all week.  The expression on Keso's face went from joy to fear in an instant.  And while there isn't official class, we are going to open the computer lab for kids who want to work on their typing skills.  Most of the kids greet us by saying "sentences" because they remember writing sentences for their behavior when we were principals.  So when Keso thought there was school and we were going to be there, his mind went to sentences.   

After dinner we sang Happy Birthday to Kamala and now we are enjoying a quiet evening before the week begins.    

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