Saturday, December 17, 2011

Baby Jesus in a manger

It's been an action packed two days. 

The trip here was easy and uneventful.  I met Kamala and her friend at the airport in Los Angeles, we traveled to Miami, we had a quick layover, and then we were on our way to Haiti.  Landing in Haiti and going through customs and immigration can be a process.  Not so much.  All of our luggage was there, Big was there, and Marlval and Jessica picked us up.

Friday afternoon was a special feeding program.  We had over 200 children at this event.  Instead of the normal feeding program crafts and message, we had a dance party.  And the kids in Haiti are dancing to much of the same music as kids in America.  And yes, they know how to Dougie.  After the special meal, the kids got presents, including crayons from BHS. 

A few of us went to Epidor for dinner on Friday night, and by the time we returned, all I wanted was a shower and sleep.  So as much as I wanted to post an update, sleep was more enticing.

This morning we hit the ground running and set up for the Christmas Program, helped out with all the details throughout the afternoon, and then watched the kids perform.  There was singing, dancing, a nativity play with baby Jesus in a manger, and a message about the season.  I have some videos of the little girls dancing, the older boys playing music, and the little boys dancing.  There was such an array of talent!  The picture above is the MdL school children singing.  Don't worry, I'll share when I get home.

It's nice to be back.  Seeing the kids for the first time was heartwarming, and they have grown so much.  The weather is perfect, and I'm looking forward to the next week.  Tomorrow is church and a day to rest and enjoy each others company.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that you arrived safely and have already had two packed days of joy and adventure. God is using greatly in Haiti and I can't wait to hear about how he uses you this trip and in the future. Be safe and I will see you at the beach on Christmas.....praying for you!
