Friday, December 23, 2011

Bad blood suckers

Before Haiti, this was my mental picture of a mosquito net.  I imagined tropical vacations, remote beaches, and serene sunsets.  It was a romanticized version of reality.

Last night I shared my mosquito net with a blood sucker. 

It had a feast on my ankle and I itch like crazy!  I got up several times during the night and I kept thinking that I would finally get some rest.  Not really.

And then this morning, I saw it flying around inside my net.  I lifted the edge and showed it to the door.  A couple days ago Ashley said that she would rather get malaria than sleep in a mosquito net because if there's a bug stuck in your net, it will bite you all night.  She was right, and this bug did bite all night!

Bye bye bugs.  Next stop, home!