Monday, November 14, 2011

Crayons for Christmas!

Hello friends and family and followers of my blog,

During my summer home, I couldn't help but think about my kids.  My kids being the kids at Maison de Lumiere.  Anyone who has been there has likely called them their kids too.  And I don't blame them.  Beautiful brown eyes, sweet little faces with even spunkier personalities.  And the accents!  Mezanmi!

I wanted to go back.  In fact, I couldn't really understand why God was keeping me in Ventura.  (I'm starting to understand more now, but that's a sit down over coffee conversation).  So I prayed, and prayed, and prayed some more.  And just when I had resigned myself to accepting the idea that I was not going back, I got the email.

I leave in a month.  December 15th to be exact.  And I'm so excited!

The first order of business is working with the staff and other missionaries to help put on the annual Christmas Pageant.  I have seen pictures and heard stories about this event.  It's epic.  We will be serving 350+ children with food, festivities, and holiday flair!  Check out photos and video from last year

I'm in charge of crayons, so I'm appealing to your sense of good will.  My students at school (in Ventura) will be bundling up crayons for all the kids attending the Christmas Pageant.  We're hoping to give each child 4 crayons, which comes to a grand total of 1,400 crayons.  The small packages that restaurants give out are what we're thinking, but we are prepared to bundle them ourselves.  I have an awesome team of elves.

If you are interested in helping with the Crayons for Christmas drive, please contact me ASAP.  Monetary donations are greatly appreciated and will help pay for my flight, lodging, and other Christmas blessings for the kids in Haiti as well.  Donations payable to Child Hope International are always tax deductible.