Thursday, August 11, 2011

Summer without Haiti

My summer at home is coming to an end as school will be starting soon.  I've enjoyed the slow pace of the last eight weeks (yes, eight weeks), and I'm (somewhat) ready to get back into the swing of things.  I continue to read blogs and updates from missionaries in Haiti and live vicarioulsy through their experiences.  This way is much easier in terms of heat and bugs!

I find myself in unexpected smiles when something reminds me of last summer.  There was a day when the power went out and I waited to hear the generator turn on.  Instead, my next door neighbor's daughter walked over to see if my power had gone out as well.  Thanks to technology, we were able to quickly find out where, why, and how many customers were affected. 

Another day one of my friends commented on the heat.  Heat in Ventura.  I think it was in the high 70's. 

I ran into some Haiti friends in Carpinteria a few weeks ago, and it's like seeing family.  It's a different kind of joy when I see or hear from people who have been there. 

I'm ready for another trip ...