Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Going back to Haiti!

That's right folks, I'm going back to Haiti in April for a week-long, spring break adventure.

For those who followed my blog last summer, you may be thinking that my last trip had enough challenges and that going back wouldn't be an option. For others, bringing home a strange tropical illness might be enough keep me in the States. Not so much.

I AM SO EXCITED! I will be traveling with Kamala, my co-principal from last summer, and a team of missionaries from Kings Harbor Church in Torrance, California.

In David Platt's Radical (which you should read), there's a section where he talks about preparing for a missions trip to Sudan. A woman from Platt's church asked why he doesn't just send money to the people of Sudan rather than raise money to go visit for a week. Platt goes on to describe his experience, and Andrew (one of the people in Sudan) tells him, "A true brother comes to be with you in your time of need ... David, you are a true brother."

"If we are going to accomplish the global purpose of God, it will not be primarily through giving our money, as important as that is. It will happen primarily through giving ourselves. This is what the gospel represents, and it's what the gospel requires." David Platt

So that's what I'm going to do. I will see the beautiful kids at Maison de Lumiere, check in on what's happening with the school, offer some tutoring help to Junior, help with planning of summer school, and lend my efforts to other projects Child Hope is working on.

Here's how you can help:

I will be gathering supplies and donations for the MdL kids (specific list of needs coming soon).

You can partner with me in prayer: travel safety, health, strength and guidance from God while in Haiti, etc.

If you'd like to support me financially, I would greatly appreciate it. My trip will cost approximately $1,200. You can address your tax-deductible check to Child Hope International and write my name on the memo line. Email me and I'll send you the address to mail your check.

Thank you in advance for your continued love and support.
