Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How did I get here and where am I now?

At the beginning of May, I received an email from Nancy Vaquero about an upcoming CNN documentary that highlighted a Haitian orphanage she had visited over spring break. In the email, Nancy also mentioned that she was working to hire teachers for the summer. I had always thought about teaching in a foreign country, so I quickly responded. As I completed the application and interview process, I prayed about this awesome opportunity. God answered my prayers, and I was invited to participate for the summer.

Within a few days, I purchased a plane ticket, made appointments for travel immunizations (ouch!), and met the lovely ladies I would teach with in Haiti. I read all about Child Hope International, Maison de Lumiere, and briefed myself on the cautions of traveling in a third-world country.

I spent the last couple weeks of the (regular) school year feeling excited and a little overwhelmed. I started a list of things to do and things to ask about. I reached out to friends and family to help support me prayerfully and financially. Their generosity brought tears to my eyes with the cards and letters of support, and I feel so blessed to have every one of them in my life.

I have little over two weeks before I leave ...